Astro Seminar: "Mapping Magnetic Fields in Star Forming Regions with BLASTPol and BLAST-TNG "
Laura Fissel (Northwestern)
A key outstanding question in our understanding of star formation is
whether magnetic fields provide support against the gravitational
collapse of their parent molecular clouds and cores. Direct
measurements of magnetic field strength using Zeeman splitting are
extremely difficult and only a few clear detections have been made in
high density molecular gas. Alternately, observations of polarized
thermal emission from dust grains aligned with respect to the local
cloud magnetic field can be used to measure magnetic field direction.
I will discuss how a new generation of submillimeter polarimeters is
providing detailed, sensitive maps of magnetic field morphology in
star forming regions. These maps can then be compared with synthetic
polarization maps derived from 3-D numerical simulations of star
formation and used to constrain cloud magnetic field properties. As
a case study I will discuss observations of Vela C from the 2012
flight of the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope
for Polarimetry (BLASTPol). Our Vela C observations have been used
to produce the most detailed sub-mm magnetic field maps ever made of
a giant molecular cloud. In depth studies of the polarized dust
emission from Vela C highlight the need to understand how
polarization efficiency varies within clouds and to study a large
sample size of molecular clouds. Finally, I will discuss BLAST-TNG,
a "next generation" polarimeter scheduled for a first science flight
in late 2016. This new polarimeter will have an order of magnitude
increase in spatial resolution and mapping speed and will map dozens
of star forming regions, placing important constraints on the role
magnetic fields play in regulating star formation.