Condensed and Living Matter Seminars
Upcoming Condensed and Living Matter Seminars
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Motility regulation as a self-organization principle
Julien Tailleur (MIT)
Equilibrium statistical mechanics tells us how to control the self-assembly of passive materials by tuning the competition between energy and entropy to achieve desired states of organization. Out of…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Physical approaches to understanding and predicting viral evolution
John Barton (University of Pittsburgh)
How predictable is evolution? This question has inspired biological research for decades, but it remains challenging to address quantitatively. In this talk, I will describe how we adapted methods from…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar
Jie Wang (Temple University)
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar
Alison Sweeney (Yale)
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar
Leslie Schoop (Princeton)