Mathematical Biology Seminars

Upcoming Mathematical Biology Seminars

There are no scheduled upcoming events in this category.

Past Mathematical Biology Seminars

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Inductive Bias of Neural Networks"

Cengiz Pehlevan (Harvard University)
- See Zoom link below

: Predicting a previously unseen example from training examples is unsolvable without additional assumptions about the nature of the task at hand. A learner’s performance depends crucially on how its…

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Cancer cells and their epithelial neighbors"

Katrina Podsypanina (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques [IHES])
- See Zoom link below

I am a cancer researcher working on a framework for a new mathematical model of metastasis

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Boolean Networks: discrete dynamical models of high-dimensional nonlinear systems"

Jordan Rozum (Pennsylvania State University)
- See Zoom link below

Boolean networks are a common modeling tool for studying the phenotypic changes that cells undergo in response stimuli. Examples include cell differentiation during embryogenesis, metastasis of…

Mathematical Biology seminar: TBA

Jordan Rozum (Pennsylvania State University)
- See Zoom link

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Spinning helices, heaving panels, and waving tails: the role of flexibility in propulsion"

Lisa Fauci (Tulane University)
- See Zoom link

The observed gait of a swimmer arises from the interplay of internal force generation, the passive elastic properties of its body, and environmental features such as fluid viscosity, boundaries, and…