HET and HEE Seminars
Upcoming HET and HEE Seminars
High Energy Theory Seminar: Gravitational waves with astrometry in the Gaia era
Deyan Mihaylov (Case Western Reserve University)
Gravitational waves have a periodic effect on the apparent positions of stars on the sky. This effect can be quantified and ultra-precise astrometric measurements (like the ones from Gaia)…
Experimental Particle Physics Seminar: "TBA"
Arthur Apresyan (FNAL)
I will present recent progress towards the development of 4D-trackers with high granularity in position in time. As future colliders move to higher energy collisions, with increased particle occupancy, the need…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"
Andreas Karch (UT Austin)
High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"
Maulik Parikh (Arizona State University)
High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"
Kent Yagi (University of Virginia)
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