Department Colloquia

Upcoming Department Colloquia

Colloquium: The Wide-angle View of Dark Matter in Nearby Galaxies

Robyn Sanderson (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

The Gaia astrometric survey has delivered a detailed “close-up” of our Galaxy, the Milky Way, by measuring precise 3D positions and…

Colloquium: "TBA"

Liang Wu (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

Colloquium: TBA


Colloquium: Twenty-five Years of Science with Chandra

Hans Moritz Guenther (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)

Chandra is one of NASA's "great observatories" and was launched in 1999. In this talk, I will review Chandra's history and instruments and show highlights from an absolutely astonishing 25 years of science…

Colloquium: TBA


Past Department Colloquia

Colloquium: Theia: Illuminating Neutrinos with a New Kind of Detector

Josh Klein (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

Primakoff Lecture: Deciphering the Higgs boson: insights and revelations a decade after the discovery

Andreas Hoecker (CERN)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

The discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) marks a breakthrough in particle physics, and it stands with the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.…

Colloquium: Change Physics Culture Now

Jessica Esquivel (Fermilab)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

This presentation will overview initiatives created to overcome inequity in physics. We will discuss grassroots efforts like Black in Physics, institution-adjacent efforts like Change-Now at Fermilab, and APS-funded…

Colloquium: The Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astronomy at Light-year Wavelengths

Stephen Taylor (Vanderbilt University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

For more than 15 years, NANOGrav and other pulsar-timing array collaborations have been carefully monitoring networks of…

Rittenhouse Lecture: An imperfect view of the Universe

Alan Heavens (Imperial College London)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Our most expensive telescopes make exquisite images of the distant Universe, but however good the telescope, the images are flawed.  The light has been on a long journey, navigating through the rich array…