Dissertation Defense: Studying phase separation in polymer systems through coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations in MATILDA.FT
Friday, January 17, 2025
at 11:00am in…
Winter 2025 - Lab Start Dates
0150, 0102, and 1250 - Jan 27th
0171 - Jan 29th
0101 and 0151 - Feb 3rd
High Energy Theory Seminar: Holography and symmetries of supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories
Oren Bergman (Israel Institute of Technology)
I will derive the symmetry theories of the 3d N=6 and N=5 supersymmetric Chern-Simons-Matter theories from holography.
Focusing on a specific variant of the N=5 theory that has a non-abelian…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Shot noise in a strange metal
Doug Natelson (Rice University)
Strange metal behavior has been observed in materials ranging from high-temperature superconductors to heavy fermion metals. In conventional metals, current is carried by quasiparticles; although it has been…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Gravitational-wave memory effects from binary-black-hole mergers
David Nichols (University of Virginia)
The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration has detected nearly one hundred black-hole mergers in its first three observing runs and is finding several candidate mergers every week during its ongoing fourth run. These mergers…
Colloquium: Twenty-five Years of Science with Chandra
Hans Moritz Guenther (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)
Chandra is one of NASA's "great observatories" and was launched in 1999. In this talk, I will review Chandra's history and instruments and show highlights from an absolutely astonishing 25 years of science…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Averaged null energy and the renormalization group
Tom Hartman (Cornell University)
The averaged null energy condition, or ANEC, is a fundamental bound on negative energy in quantum field theory. It has applications ranging from black holes to quantum information to the 3D Ising model,…
Astrophysics Seminar: Beyond the first wave: where we stand in understanding binary neutron star and black hole formation channels.
Lieke van Son (Flatiron Institute)
After the first waves of gravitational-wave detections, it often seems as though we are left with more questions than answers. The hope of finding "one formation channel to rule them all" has given way to "one…
Experimental Particle Physics: The Future of Thermal Relic Dark Matter
Matthew Baumgart (ASU)
The idea that dark matter is nothing more than a “heavy neutrino” that froze out after reheating has long been a seductive one. Indirect detection experiments are just now entering an era where the simplest candidate…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Milky Way satellite galaxies as probe for dark matter
Ariane Dekker (University of Chicago)
Small-scale dark matter structures provide an important window into primordial density fluctuations and the microphysical properties of dark matter. Deviations from the standard LCDM model can significantly alter the…