Astro Seminar: "Probing Dark Energy with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)"
Richard Shaw (University of British Columbia)
CHIME will use the 21cm emission line of neutral hydrogen to map
large-scale structure between redshifts of 0.8 and 2.5. By measuring
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) we will place constraints on the
dark energy equation of state as it begins to dominate the expansion
of the Universe, particularly at redshifts poorly probed by current
BAO surveys.
In this talk I will introduce CHIME, a transit radio interferometer
designed specifically for this purpose. I will discuss its goals and
describe the powerful new analysis techniques we have developed to
confront the many challenges of such observations, in particular
removal of astrophysical foregrounds which are six orders of
magnitude larger than the 21cm signal. A smaller 40m x 37m pathfinder
telescope is currently operating at the DRAO in Penticton, BC, and
the construction of the full-sized 80m x 100m instrument commenced in
early 2015. I will report on current progress, and the lessons
already learned.