High Energy Theory Seminar: Conformal Invariance, Dark Energy and CMB Non-Gaussianity

Emil Mottola (LANL)
DRL 2N36

A universe dominated by dark energy naturally gives rise to correlation functions possessing full conformal invariance. This is a consequence of the conformal group of flat 3-dimensional spatial sections being…

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Erol Açkay, Princeton
- Lynch Lecture Hall (Chemistry)

“New frontiers in social evolution theory”

Cooperation between organisms is a major driving force of biological organization at all levels, from single cells to whole ecosystems. Understanding the…

Condensed Matter seminar: "Multiscale tomography-to-simulation paradigm"

José Andrade, Caltech
- DRL A4

Astronomy Seminar

Or Graur, American Museum of Natural History

"The Oldest Explosions: type Ia Supernova Rates from Low- and High-Redshift Surveys"

High Energy Theory Seminar

Robert Scherrer, Vanderbilt University
DRL 2N36

"Anapole Dark Matter"

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Emilia Huerta-Sanchez, UC Berkeley
- Lynch Lecture Hall (Chemistry)

“Detecting and characterizing natural selection from next generation sequencing data”

special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Sharon Aviran, UC Berkeley
- Lynch Lecture Hall (Chemistry)

“High-throughput RNA structure analysis from chemical footprinting experiments"

Physics Colloquium

Paula Apsell, Senior Executive Producer for NOVA
- DRL A8


"Controversy in Science: When scientists disagree, what's the poor journalist to do?"

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Kirill Korolev, MIT
- Lynch Lecture Hall (Chemistry)

“The interplay between ecology and evolution in cancerous tumors and expanding populations”

High Energy Theory Seminar

Marco Chiodaroli, Penn State University
DRL 2N36

Title:  TBA