John Alison
"The Road to Discovery: TRT Alignment, Electron Identification, The Fake Factor Method, of the Higgs Boson"
Advances in Biomedical Optics seminar
Chandra (Sandy) Sehgal, University of Pennsylvania
"Vascular ultrasound and imaging photoacoustic"
Joint Condensed Matter Seminar/Topology Workshop
Greg Huber, KITP, University of California Santa Barbara
Greg Huber, KITP, University of California Santa Barbara
Astrophysics and Cosmology seminar
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, American Museum of Natural History
Title, TBA
High Energy : Hagen Triendl (Saclay)
DRL 4N12
Undergraduate Physics Club Seminar
Professor Alison Sweeney
Physics and Astronomy Teaching Workshop
Randy Kamien
"How to create original content (why should students even come to class?)"