Condensed Matter seminar: "How to kill a topological insulator"

Peter Armitage, Johns Hopkins University
- DRL A4



Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar

Fabian Schmidt (Princeton)
David Rittenhouse Laboratories (DRL), Room A6

High Energy Theory Seminar: CFT representation of bulk locality for fields with and without spin

Debajyoti Sarkar (City University of New York)

CFT representation of bulk locality for fields with and without spin

We will discuss to what extent bulk locality could be extracted in the large N limit for free and interacting scalar and spin…

Advances in Biomedical Optics Seminar

Joseph Izatt, Duke University
- CMROI Auditorium

Optical Coherence Imaging for Biomedicine
Joseph Izatt
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University…

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Justin Burton, University of Chicago
- Lynch Lecture Hall, Chemistry

What Lies Beneath: Fluid/Solid Interactions from Liquid Drops to Floating Ice

Condensed Matter seminar: "Avalanche statistics and the effect of inertia, or polymer welding, crazing and strain hardening and the connection to entanglements"

Mark Robbins, Johns Hopkins University
- DRL A4

Many systems evolve through a series of rapid avalanches that have a power
law distribution of sizes. Examples include magnetic domain walls, fluid
interfaces, deforming ice crystals and earthquakes. A…

High Energy Theory Seminar: String-junction solutions and holographic duals for 2d BCFTs

Marco Chiodaroli (Penn State)
DRL 2N36

The High Enery Theory schedule of events is at:

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

David Sivak, UCSF
- Lynch Lecture Hall, Chemistry

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics: Free Energy, Optimal Control, and Optimal Response

Prof. Mirjam Cvetic lectures on string theory and black holes

Prof. Mirjam Cvetic
- Philo Halls, top floor of College Hall

Prof. Mirjam Cvetic will be giving a popular talk about string theory, the unification of forces, and the connection to particle…