The postponed Spring 2012 exams will take place
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
6:00-8:00, DRL, Room A8
Note: Students who wish to…
LRSM 50th Birthday
On May 4 the Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter (LRSM) celebrated its 50th Birthday with a memorable event that…
LRSM Celebrates 50th Birthday
May 2012
LRSM @ 50
Penn Relays
The Annual Penn Relays will be held at Franklin Field.
Primakoff Lecture
Annual Primakoff Lecture by Paul Steinhardt
Primakoff Lecture
Paul Steinhardt
Primakoff Lecture
Paul Steinhardt
Visiting Day is Over
Again, visiting prospective students enjoyed their stay at Penn. We supplied enough information for them to make their final decision.
Visting Day
What a day!