Condensed Matter Seminar: “Making Cells with Active Micro-tubule Mixtures”

Professor Jennifer Ross, UMass Amherst
- A4

Biology utilizes energy to organize itself from the nanoscale to the macroscopic scale. We seek to determine the universal principles of organization from the molecular scale that gives rise to architecture on the…

Astronomy Seminar: Massive Galaxy Growth since Cosmic Noon

Stijn Wuyts (MPE Garching)
- DRL A6

The Hubble Space Telescope and integral-field spectrographs on the
ground offer us an unprecedented view of the internal physics within
high-redshift galaxies.  Exploiting the powerful synergy between…

Department Colloquium: The First Luminous Objects and the Epoch of Reionization

Adam Lidz, UPenn
- A8

An exciting and largely unexplored frontier in observational and theoretical cosmology is to understand the properties of the universe between 400,000 years and one billion years after the big bang. Notably, the…

*New Course this Fall*

Professor Gary Gibbons, University of Pennsylvania

Oct 7, 2014 - Nov 27, 2014 at - 4N12


Prerequisites: A first course in general relativity, including the idea of a Lie derivative and Killing vector fields

The course will start with a heuristic account of the Chandrasekhar…

Dissertation Defense: "First Measurements of the Differential Cross Sections of Higgs Boson Production and Decay in the 4 Lepton Final State"

Jonathon Stahlman, University of Pennsylvania
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Building Colloidal Aggregates in Anisotropic Media"

Professor Colin Denniston, Western Ontario University
- A4

Colloids in a liquid crystal matrix exhibit very anisotropic interactions. Further, these interactions can be altered by both properties of the colloid and of the liquid crystal. This gives the potential for…

Astronomy Seminar: TBD

- DRL A6

BioMedical & Life Sciences Career Fair

Employers, Recruiters, Penn alumni, and former Penn Postdoctoral Researchers
- Atrium, Biomedical Research Building II, 421 Curie Boulevard

Please note this event is open to all Penn PhD Students and Postdocs.

For more information, visit:

Condensed Matter Seminar: Optics at the Extreme

Professor Nader Enghetta, University of Pennsylvania
- A4

Recent development in condensed matter physics and nanoscience has made it possible to tailor materials with unusual parameters and characteristics.  In my group, we have been exploring light-matter interaction in…