Astro Seminar: Unleashing the Power of ALMA
Amanda Kepley (NRAO)
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a
transformational millimeter interferometer being built in Chile that,
when complete, will have 10-100 times the sensitivity, 100 times the…
Advances in Biomedical Optics Seminar: "Lung Cancer-State of the Art in 2015"
Dr. Sunil Singhal (Thoracic Surgeon, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania)
*Pizza to be served @ 11:45A*
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Tiling Triply-Periodic Minimal Surfaces"
Myfanway Evans, Erlangen
Astro Seminar: "The Large Millimeter Telescope: Current Status and Early Science Observations"
David Hughes (Large Millimeter Telescope)
The Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT) Alfonso Serrano is a bi-national
Penn I-Corps Site Summer Start-Up Accelerator Featuring Professore A. T. Charlie Johnson
Professor Charlie Johnson and Alan Greenberger, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Director of Commerce, City of Philadelphia
Launch Event
- The Penn I-Corps Site summer accelerator offers 30 teams
- Education, mentorship, and funding to develop startup ideas.
- Faculty, students, and local entrepreneurs are welcome.…
Special Seminar: "New Views on Iron Superconductivity: From a Mott Insulator’s Perspective"
Byron Freelon, M.I.T.
Seeking to understand the nature of high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) in iron-based materials, we discuss a new class of compounds in which unconventional superconductivity may occur. When…
Astro Seminar: "Circumstellar Disk Composition and Evolution"
Alycia Weinberger (Carnegie Institution)
Abstract: The vast diversity of planetary systems arises from formation
processes within circumstellar disks. These disks start out gas rich and end
full of planets and some remnant debris dust. I will…
Condensed Matter seminar: "Low-Dimensional Properties of Atomically-Thin Materials and Systems"
Douglas Strachan, University of Kentucky
Atomically-thin materials represent the thinnest possible components of future device applications with extreme reduction in size scales. While tremendous progress has recently been made in understanding the large-…
Dissertation Defense:"Bulges and Disks in the Nearby Universe:Applications to Evolution and Formation of Galaxies"
Alan Meert, University of Pennsylvania