Dissertation Defense: "Expanding the Functionality and Applications of Nanopore Sensors"

Kim Venta
- University of Pennsylvania, Singh Building
Room 313

Thesis Defense: "Aspects of Galileons"

Garrett Goon
- DRL 4E19

Thesis Defense: "Micro Structure and Phase Behavior in Colloids and Liquid Crystals"

Matthew Lohr
- LRSM Reading Room

Astronomy Seminar: Detection of B-mode Polarization at Degree Scales using BICEP2

Stefan Fliescher, University of Minnesota
- DRL A6

Using the specialized radio telescope BICEP2 operating from the South Pole in Antarctica our collaboration recently reported the detection of B-mode polarization at degree scales in the Cosmic Microwave Background. By…

Thesis Defense: "Weak Lensing and Modified Gravity of Cosmic Structure"

Joseph Clampitt
- DRL 4N9

29th Primakoff Lecture: The Galactic Center: Unveiling the Heart of our Galaxy

Professor Andrea Ghez, UCLA
- DRL A8

Andrea Ghez, a Professor of Physics & Astronomy who holds the Lauren B. Leichtman & Arthur E. Levine chair in Astrophysics, is one of the world's leading experts in observational astrophysics and heads UCLA's…

High Energy Theory

Claudia de Rham (Case)
DRL 2N36