Physics Colloquium
Elliot Lipeles, University of Pennsylvania
"Observation of a Higgs Boson: What…
High Energy : A.Emir Gumrukcuogli (IPMU, Tokyo)
Homegeneous and Isotropic Universe from Nonlinear massive gravity
Special Condensed Matter Seminar
R. Shankar, Yale University
Hamiltonian Theory of Fractional Chern Bands
Andres Plazas
Title: "Weak Gravitational Lensing Systematic Errors in the Dark Energy Survey"
Condensed Matter Seminar
*POSTPONED* Mark Robbins, Johns Hopkins University
OCT. 3 SEMINAR has been postponed
Title: TBA
Condensed Matter Seminar
Lu Li, University of Michigan
"Magnetism of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructure…
Astrophysics and Cosmology seminar
Deborah Bard, Stanford/SLAC
Title, TBA
High Energy Theory Seminar
Cristiano Germani (LMU)
"The physics of the strong equivalence principle violation"
So far, no new degree of freedom has been observed in Nature. Assuming that no new degrees of freedom exist up to very high energies, I will discuss…