High Energy Theory Seminar: Partially massless gravity

Kurt Hinterbichler (Perimeter)
DRL 2N36

On de Sitter space, there exists a special value for the mass of a graviton for which the linear theory propagates 4 rather than 5 degrees of freedom. If a fully non-linear version of the theory exists and can be…

Science-Focused Workshops: Teaching Students to Think like Scientists

Olivia Padovan-Merhar, CTL Graduate Teaching Fellow
- Graduate Student Center Rm. 205

Each of these Science-Focused Workshops count toward the CTL Teaching Certificate: http://www.upenn.edu/ctl/…

Condensed Matter seminar: "Forcing it on: cytoskeletal dynamics during lymphocyte activation."

Arpita Upadhyaya, University of Maryland
- DRL A4

Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar

Cora Dworkin, Institute for Advanced Study
David Rittenhouse Laboratories (DRL), Room A6


High Energy Theory Seminar

Emil Mottola (LANL)2

The High Enery Theory schedule of events is at: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/heptheory/events

High Energy Theory Seminar: Conformal Invariance, Dark Energy and CMB Non-Gaussianity

Emil Mottola (LANL)
DRL 2N36

A universe dominated by dark energy naturally gives rise to correlation functions possessing full conformal invariance. This is a consequence of the conformal group of flat 3-dimensional spatial sections being…

Special "Evolution Cluster Search 2013" Seminar

Erol Açkay, Princeton
- Lynch Lecture Hall (Chemistry)

“New frontiers in social evolution theory”

Cooperation between organisms is a major driving force of biological organization at all levels, from single cells to whole ecosystems. Understanding the evolutionary…

Condensed Matter seminar: "Multiscale tomography-to-simulation paradigm"

José Andrade, Caltech
- DRL A4

Astronomy Seminar

Or Graur, American Museum of Natural History

"The Oldest Explosions: type Ia Supernova Rates from Low- and High-Redshift Surveys"