Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Bacterial Swarm, An Active Matter State Enriched by Interfacial Fluid Dynamics
Jay Tang (Brown University)
Soft matter, a term not used often a few decades ago, has become a recognized branch of physics studied by researchers worldwide from multiple disciplines. My own random walk in this field started with experiments on…
High Energy Theory Seminar: The complex Liouville string
Victor Rodriguez (UCSB)
I will introduce the complex Liouville string, a solvable critical worldsheet string theory defined by coupling two Liouville theories with complex conjugate central charges c = 13 ± is. By harnessing the non-…
Astrophysics Seminar: What can we learn from the evolution of galaxy sizes?
Kalina Nedkova (Johns Hopkins University)
Galaxies have grown significantly in size since the early Universe. While quiescent galaxies grow primarily through galaxy mergers, star-forming galaxies grow by accreting gas from their surroundings and forming new…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Search and Response Mechanisms in Active Soft Matter
Alireza Abbaspourrad (Cornell University)
Efficient migration in complex environments is crucial for biological systems that search for a target across various length scales. Microswimmers’ motion, such as bacterial chemotaxis in complex environments, and…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Gravitational atoms and black hole binaries
G.M. Tomaselli (IAS at Princeton University)
Superradiant instabilities may create clouds of ultralight bosons around rotating black holes, forming so-called "gravitational atoms". In this talk, I will review a series of papers that study the effects of a…
Colloquium: Light, Quantum and Energy
Liang Wu (University of Pennsylvania)
The conventional device to convert light to electrical current uses two different kinds of doped silicon merged together known as pn junction or heterostructures. The current only flows one way in the pn junction due…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Candidate de Sitter Vacua
Liam McAllister (Cornell)
I will present Calabi-Yau orientifold flux compactifications of type IIB string theory that yield, at leading order in the string loop and sigma model expansions, de Sitter vacua of the form envisioned by Kachru,…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Van der Waals magnets and antiferromagnets interacting with electron spins
Dan Ralph (Cornell University)
This talk will discuss two projects. The first concerns topological insulator/magnet samples made by mechanical stacking of exfoliated van der Waals flakes. The proximity…
Astrophysics Seminar: Mapping Cosmic Star Formation with the CO Mapping Array Project
Patrick Breysse (NYU)
I will discuss the results of the second observing season of the CO Mapping Array Project (COMAP). COMAP is a line intensity mapping experiment seeking to probe the cosmic star formation history by mapping the…