High Energy Theory Seminar: “Cosmology of a Fine-Tuned SUSY Higgs”
Matthew Reece (Harvard)
I will discuss some work in progress that explores whether a mildly fine-tuned Higgs boson, as in (mini-)split supersymmetry, can have interesting or observable cosmological consequences. As moduli fields oscillate,…
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Striped Ground States in the Hubbard Model"
Steven White (University of California, Irvine)
Solving the 2D Hubbard model is one of the most well-known outstanding problems in theoretical condensed matter physics. Various simulation techniques, such has DMRG and quantum Monte Carlo, have made dramatic…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "BMS Invariant Fluids"
Robert Penna (Columbia University)
The Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) group is the asymptotic symmetry group of asymptotically flat spacetime. It is related to flat gravity in the same way that the conformal group is related to anti de Sitter…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "Entanglement at a Scale and Recovery Maps"
Nima Lashkari (MIT)
I discuss the amount of information in quantum field theory states reduced to a region, that cannot be recovered from its subregion density matrices. One can reconstruct the density matrix from its subregions using…
Astro Seminar:"Probes of Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter"
Ely Kovetz (Johns Hopkins)
The LIGO observatory has reported several detections of gravitational waves from the coalescence of binary black holes. We consider the extraordinary possibility that the detected events involving heavier masses are…
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Tuning Quantum Materials with Uniaxial Strain"
Abhay Narayan Pasupathy (Columbia University)
What is the effect of stretching a crystal along a given direction by a small amount? In general, one might not expect much: a change in lattice constant, accompanied by corresponding changes in the electronic and…
HET & HEE Joint Seminar: "Composite Higgses"
Csaba Csaki (Cornell University)
High Energy Theory Seminar: "What Can Cosmology Tell Us About Gravity?"
Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser University)
I will review the current status and future prospects of testing theories of gravity using data from large-scale structure surveys. I will then discuss certain aspects of the so-called model-independent tests of dark…
Physics Department Colloquium: "Orientational Transitions: From Liquid Crystals to Viral Capsids"
Robijn Bruinsma (UCLA) hosted by Douglas Durian
Lars Onsager showed in 1948 that there could be a new type of phase transition where a liquid loses rotational symmetry but retains its translational symmetry, unlike the freezing transition where a liquid loses both…