High Energy Theory Seminar: "Naturally Stabilizing the Weak Scale without Partners"
Devin Walker (Dartmouth College)
We generalize and adapt Veltman's condition to create a framework which naturally addresses the little hierarchy problem. The resulting class of models is economical and ensures a minimum amount of fine-tuning for…
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Mechanical Cell Biology of Microbes"
Enrique Rojas (Stanford University)
Research in microbial physiology has traditionally focused on understanding biochemical pathways and, more recently, on elucidating the surprisingly complex structure of microbial cytoplasm. On the other hand, the…
**CANCELLED** Astro Seminar: "The Twisted Universe: The Cosmic Quest to Reveal Which End is Up"
Brian Keating (UCSD)
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) has spectacularly advanced our understanding of the origin, composition, and evolution of our universe. Yet there is still much to glean from this, the oldest light in the…
Department Colloquium: "Results from the Dark Energy Survey"
Gary Bernstein (University of Pennsylvania)
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is a collaboration between UPenn and 15 other institutions in 7 countries to construct and operate a new 500 megapixel CCD camera on the venerable 4-meter Blanco telescope in Chile. Its…
Procotor will be on site
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Topological protection of photons"
Mikael Rechtsman (Penn State University)
Topological insulators are solid-state materials whose transport properties are immune to defects and disorder due to underlying topological order. Perhaps the first such phenomenon was the quantum Hall effect,…
Rittenhouse Lecture: Daniel Holz (Enrico Fermi Institute and Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Chicago)
With the discovery of GW170817 in gravitational waves, and the discovery of an associated short gamma-ray burst, and the discovery of an associated optical afterglow, we have finally…
HET & HEE Joint Seminar: (TBA)
Josh Ruderman (NYU)
Rittenhouse Lecture: "GW170817: Hearing and Seeing a Binary Neutron Star Merger"
Daniel Holz (Enrico Fermi Institute and Kavli Institute for Cosmology, U of Chicago) hosted by Bhuvnesh Jain
With the discovery of GW170817 in gravitational waves, and the discovery of an associated short gamma-ray burst, and the discovery of an associated optical afterglow, we have finally entered the era of gravitational-…
Penn Cafe Event: "Unseen Objects in Our Solar System"
Masao Sako (U of Penn)
Masao Sako will discuss his research on searching for new orbits in the solar system. He will describe efforts to discover objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, some of which contain valuable information about the…