High Energy Theory seminar: "Type IIB flux compactifications with h^{1,1}=0"

Timm Wrase (Lehigh University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

After reviewing a few concepts of the swampland program, I revisit type IIB flux compactifications that are mirror dual to type IIA on rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds. Recently, we found a variety of…

Astrophysics seminar: "TBA"

Catherine Zucker (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4C6

High Energy Theory seminar: "TBA"

Valerio De Luca (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

High Energy Joint Theory/Experiment seminar: "TBA"

Maxim Pospelov (University of Minnesota)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

High Energy Theory seminar: "TBA"

Jonah Kudler-Flam (Princeton University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: "Light from Dark Matter through Cosmic History"

Tracy Slatyer (MIT)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

84% of the matter in the universe is "dark", presently invisible to us except through its gravitational interactions. However, even tiny interactions between dark and visible matter could have striking…

High Energy seminar: "Dark Black Holes"

Sarah Shandera (Penn State University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

Gravitational wave detections of merging ultracompact objects provide a completely new way to constrain non-minimal dark matter models. If the dark matter consists of a rich spectrum of particles,…

Astrophysics seminar: "TBA"

Catherine Zucker (Space Telescope Science Institute)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4C6

Astrophysics seminar: "TBA"

Kareem El-Badry (Harvard University)
- David Rittenhoue Laboratory, 4C6

High Energy Theory seminar: "Symmetries of 3d QFTs from M-theory"

Marieke van Beest (Stony Brook University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6

I will discuss the 4d Symmetry Topological Field Theory (Symmetry TFT) encoding generalized global symmetries and 't Hooft anomalies of 3d quantum fields theories with an M-theory realization. We will see…