High Energy Theory Seminar: The complex Liouville string
Victor Rodriguez (UCSB)

I will introduce the complex Liouville string, a solvable critical worldsheet string theory defined by coupling two Liouville theories with complex conjugate central charges c = 13 ± is. By harnessing the non-perturbative properties of Liouville CFT, we can bootstrap the amplitudes of this string theory and uncover a holographic duality with a double-scaled two-matrix model, which holds even at the non-perturbative level. The complex Liouville string may be recast semi-classically as a 2d dilaton gravity theory with a sine potential for the dilaton, which admits solutions with both signs of the cosmological constant. This interpretation constitutes a precise model of holographic duality involving de Sitter spacetimes.
This talk is based on work in collaboration with Scott Collier, Lorenz Eberhardt, and Beatrix Mühlmann.