High Energy Theory Seminar: "SYK, harmonic analysis, and multipoint conformal blocks"

Vladimir Rosenhaus, IAS, Princeton University
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Soft complexity in gels: network connectivity, viscoelasticity and failure"

Emanuela Del Gado, Georgetown University
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A6

Soft matter (colloids, polymers, proteins…) often self-assembles into gels with diverse structure and mechanics, ubiquitous in nature and extensively used to improve diverse industrial products, where they provide…

Astronomy seminar: "Using the environment to infer supernova progenitor properties"

Lluis Galbany, University of Pittsburgh
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A6

Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) applied to supernova (SN) environmental studies have shown the potential of this technique to directly characterize the galactic environmental parameters at SN locations, compare…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "Gauge-field inflation and the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry"

Peter Adshead, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

In this talk, I  describe a new class of inflationary scenarios which utilize gauge fields to generate inflationary dynamics in the early universe. Beyond simply providing yet another model for inflation, these…

Experimental Partical Physics Seminar: "First results from the PROSPECT reactor neutrino experiment"

Danielle Norcini, Yale University
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4N12

Experiments at nuclear reactors have played a key role in determining the properties of the weakly-interacting neutrinos. Results from recent reactor experiments suggest a disagreement between the observed…

Rittenhouse Lecture: "The Planck Legacy: Inflation and the Origin of Structure in the Universe"

George P. Efstathiou, University of Cambridge and Kavli Institute for Cosmology
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

I will review the latest results on cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies measured by the Planck satellite. These measurements agree extremely well with a spatially flat, cosmological constant dominated…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "Newman-Penrose and BMS Charges Near Null Infinity"

Chris Pope, Texas A&M University
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4N12

In 1965 Newman and Penrose (NP) showed that any asymptotically-flat spacetime admits 10 quantities, obtained as certain spherical-harmonic projections of a particular component of the Weyl tensor, which are exactly…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "Black Hole Microstate Cosmology"

Brian Swingle, University of Maryland, College Park
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

I will discuss the possibility that certain high-energy holographic CFT states correspond to black hole microstates with a geometrical behind-the-horizon region, modelled by a portion of a second asymptotic region…