Astronomy Seminar: Simulating Early Structure and Galaxy Formation - The THESAN Project
Mark Vogelsberger (MIT)
Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation have evolved significantly over the last decade. In my talk I will describe recent efforts to model the …
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Mechano-chemical models of active migration and organoid morphogenesis"
Edouard Hannezo (IST Austria)
There is increasing evidence that both mechanical and biochemical signals play important roles in morphogenesis and collective cell migration. The development of complex organisms, in particular, has been…
Primakoff Lecture: "The Entropy of Hawking Radiation"
Juan Maldacena (Institute for Advanced Study)
Black holes are interesting spacetime configurations predicted by general relativity. When quantum mechanics is taken into account, black holes are found to emit thermal radiation, called "Hawking…
High Energy seminar: New Standard Model constructions and insights into mirror symmetry from resolution-independent structure in Calabi-Yau fourfolds
Wati Taylor (MIT)
Recent work with Jefferson and Turner suggests that the intersection form on the "vertical" part of middle cohomology of a singular elliptic Calabi-Yau fourfold is independent of resolution. This…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Phases, geometry, and scales: bridging micro to macro in animal locomotion"
Jennifer Rieser (Emory)
Animals move through the terrestrial world in a variety of ways – burrowing, crawling, running, jumping, climbing, and building. Successful movements, often crucial for survival, depend sensitively…
HET Seminar: Enstrophy and black hole supertranslations
Natalia Pinzani-Fokeeva (MIT)
Enstrophy is an approximately conserved quantity in 2+1 dimensional non relativistic fluids that implies an inverse energy cascade in turbulent flows. In this talk, I will present an algorithm on how to construct an…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Optical Sensing of Moiré Physics in Semiconducting Moiré Superlattices"
Chenhao Jin (UCSB)
Moiré superlattices formed between two-dimensional (2D) materials provide new opportunities to engineer novel quantum phenomena, as exemplified by the intriguing observations in twisted bilayer graphene (…