Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Information bottleneck approaches to representation learning"
David Schwab (CUNY)
Extracting relevant information from data is crucial for all forms of learning. The information bottleneck (IB) method formalizes this, offering a mathematically precise and conceptually appealing…
Special Seminar: “Data-Driven Cosmology with the Next Generation of CMB and Galaxy Surveys”
Mathew Madhavacheril (Perimeter Institute)
Ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments are now pushing into discovery space where new insights on inflation, dark matter, dark energy and neutrino physics will be obtained…
High Energy seminar: "Embracing both Wigner and `t Hooft in matrix models of 2D gravity"
Clifford V. Johnson (USC)
The main purpose of this talk is to urge us to more carefully consider how random matrix models capture theories of 2D gravity. The key is to emphasize a Wignerian view alongside the more…
Thesis Defense: "Cosmology via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect"
John Orlowski-Scherer
Killian Yung-Chien Chou, University of Pennsylvania
Committee Members: Alan T. Charlie Johnson, Marija Drndić, Eleni Katifori, Dimitri S. Monos, Bo Zhen
Committee Chair (not your advisor): Alan T.…
Thesis Defense: "Probing the Dark Universe from Galactic to Cosmological Scales"
Farnik Nikakhtar, University of Pennsylvania
Astronomy on Tap: “The Future Of Cosmology"
"The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope”
Dr. Rebekah Hansel of NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "The rich inner life of the cell nucleus: Dynamic organization, active flows and emergent rheology"
Alexandra Zidovska (NYU)
The nucleus is the control center of the cell, containing genetic material essential for life. Yet, the physical principles underlying its organization in space and time remain a mystery. In this talk, I…
Astronomy Seminar: "Supernova Cosmology: From DES to Roman"
Benjamin Rose (Duke University)
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is in the process of finalizing its ultimate scientific analyses. Later this year, we expect the DES Supernova survey to release a constraint on the dark energy equation of…
Special Seminar: “The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s)”
Michael Trott (NBI and CERN)
In recent years, the effective field theory approach to the Standard Model, the SMEFT, has been used to study LHC data with ever increasing theoretical precision and sophistication. However, the…