
High Energy Theory Seminar: Emergent N=4 supersymmetry from N=1

Monica Kang (University of Pennsylvania)
- | David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 3C6
I will construct 4d N=1,2 SCFTs with identical central charges a=c (without a large N limit) via the diagonal gauging of collections of non-Lagrangian Argyres–Douglas and conformal matter theories. Utilizing a particular family of theories from this construction, I will present a four-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric field theory that is dual to the N=4 super Yang—Mills theory with gauge group SU(2n+1) for each n. The dual theory is constructed through the diagonal gauging of the SU(2n+1) flavor symmetry of three copies of a particular Argyres–Douglas theory. This theory flows in the infrared to a strongly-coupled N=1 SCFT that lies on the same conformal manifold as N=4 SYM.