Advances in Biomedical Optics seminar series: "Diffuse Optics in Treatment Monitoring for Photodynamic Therapy"
Theresa Busch (University of Pennsylvania)
Condensed and Living Matter seminar: "Active and Adaptive Materials from Particle Assemblies"
Yifan Wang (California Institute of Technology)
Particulate materials, or granular materials, are collections of discrete solid particles ranging from nano- to macroscopic sizes. They are usually disordered, and are known to exhibit…
Astronomy seminar: "The Galaxy Star Formation Rate-Stellar Mass Correlation"
Eric Gawiser (Rutgers University)
A surprisingly tight correlation has been discovered between galaxies’ star formation rates (SFR) and stellar masses (M_*). We show that the evolution of the normalization of the SFR-M_*…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "A tale of two motilities: organismal adaptation to complex, changing environments"
Jasmine Nirody (Rockefeller University)
Motile organisms have developed strategies to move through natural environments, which are spatially complex and can fluctuate with time. Understanding the physics behind these strategies is important for bioinspired…
High Energy Theory seminar: "Anomaly inflow, geometric engineering, and holography"
Federico Bonetti (Johns Hopkins University)
A large class of 4d SCFTs can be engineered by wrapping a stack of M5-branes on a compact space, possibly with defects. ‘t Hooft anomalies are crucial observables for such theories, which often do not…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Universality at infinite temperature"
Romain Vasseur (University of Massachusetts)
In this talk, I will argue that the concepts of quantum criticality and universality can emerge at very high energy, corresponding to infinite effective temperatures. I will focus on isolated many-body…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Guiding Principles for Engineering Quantum Matter far from Equilibrium"
Martin Claassen (Flatiron Institute)
One of the most fascinating aspects of non-equilibrium physics is that a macroscopic quantum system pushed out of equilibrium can exhibit markedly different dynamics when probed on different time scales…
Astronomy seminar: "Beyond optical depth: Future determination of ionization history from the CMB"
Duncan Watts (Johns Hopkins)
Cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons are partially polarized, both by free electrons around recombination, and by free electrons from reionization. The free electron fraction as a…
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Collective functionality in intelligent active matter: Bridging multi-scale biology with the physics of solids, fluids and information"
Arnold Mathijssen (Stanford University)
Biological systems flourish through collective functionality, by self-assembling into cells, tissues, flocks and parliaments. Understanding this multi-scale organization also lies at the heart of modern engineering…