High Energy Theory Seminar: "Looking for islands"
Edgar Shaghoulian (University of Pennsylvania)
I will review the role of replica wormholes in deriving a unitary Page curve for Hawking radiation and discuss extensions to flat spacetime and cosmology. I will also discuss general consistency…
Rittenhouse Lecture: "Exoplanets and the Search for Biosignature Gases"
Sara Seager (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Cloud recording of talk:
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "The thermodynamics and electrokinetics of 'blue' energy"
René van Roij (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University)
With every litre of fresh river water that flows into the salty sea, an amount of 2kJ of (free) energy is dissipated, i.e. the equivalent of a waterfall of 200m. With present-day membranes and porous nanomaterials…
Dual Source and Environmental X-ray Scattering (DEXS) Seminar
Irem Altan (Yale): "Probing the structure of reflectin and lipid assemblies with SAXS and SANS"
Lexi Zhang (Penn Chemistry): "GIWAXS Measurement of Stable Glasses: A Study on Molecular Relaxation and Stable…
DISCONAP talk / IRG1 Group meeting: "When does structure correlate with rearrangements in soft-sphere packings?"
Sean Ridout, University of Pennsylvania (Liu Group)
Much recent activity in our group and the MRSEC has focused on the connection between local structure and localized rearrangements in a variety of systems. Focusing on packings of soft spheres, sheared at zero…
IRG3 Meeting: "Mixing Nano-Crystals and Liquid Crystals: Insights from Molecular Simulations”
Aniket Thosar and Hao Jiang (University of Pennsylvania)
Thesis Defense: “Weak Lensing and Cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey”
Lucas Secco, University of Pennsylvania
Thesis Defense: "Reactor Antineutrinos in the SNO+ Water Phase and Detector R&D for Large-scale Neutrino Detectors"
Tanner Kaptanoglu, University of Pennsylvania
Thesis Defense: “Spatially Dispersive Electrodynamics and Quantum Geometry in Semimetals”
Zachariah Addison, University of Pennsylvania
Mathematical Biology seminar
William Bialek (Princeton University)