Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "The rich inner life of the cell nucleus: Dynamic organization, active flows and emergent rheology"
Alexandra Zidovska (NYU)
The nucleus is the control center of the cell, containing genetic material essential for life. Yet, the physical principles underlying its organization in space and time remain a mystery. In this talk, I…
Astronomy Seminar: "Supernova Cosmology: From DES to Roman"
Benjamin Rose (Duke University)
The Dark Energy Survey (DES) is in the process of finalizing its ultimate scientific analyses. Later this year, we expect the DES Supernova survey to release a constraint on the dark energy equation of…
Special Seminar: “The Geometric SMEFT description of curved Higgs Field Space(s)”
Michael Trott (NBI and CERN)
In recent years, the effective field theory approach to the Standard Model, the SMEFT, has been used to study LHC data with ever increasing theoretical precision and sophistication.…
Thesis Defense: "Towards Precision Measurements of the Optical Depth to Reionization using 21 cm Data and Machine Learning"
Tashalee Billings (University of Pennsylvania)
High Energy seminar: "A Puncture in the Euclidean Black Hole"
Yoav Zigdon (Ben-Gurion University)
We study a black hole in string theory which is described by an exact worldsheet conformal field theory (CFT). In Euclidean signature, the radial-time part of its geometry is described by a shrinking…
Thesis Defense: "Bismuth and Vanadium Selenides: Towards Spintronic Applications "
Sarah Friedensen (University of Pennsylvania)
Zoom: Meeting ID: 932 2426 5613
Passcode: 466794
HET Seminar: "TBA"
Katie Freese (University of Texas)
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: "First Results from the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab’s Muon Campus"
Chris Polly (Fermilab)
The much anticipated initial results from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab’s Muon Campus were released last year. The new determination of the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment is in good…
HET Seminar: "Effective Geometry, Complexity, and Universality"
Adam Brown (Stanford)
This talk will be based on arXiv:2111.12700 and arXiv:2112.0572.
Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Phase Separation Inside Cells "
Ned Wingreen (Princeton University)
Biologists have recently come to appreciate that eukaryotic cells are home to a multiplicity of non-membrane bound compartments, many of which form and dissolve as needed for the cell to function.…