Colloquium: Discoveries with the JWST, and what comes next
John C. Mather (NASA) Physics Nobel 2006
The JWST, with its 6.5 m hexagonal mirror and its 4 infrared instruments, has yielded remarkable surprises. The first galaxies are brighter and hotter than expected, and they aren’t round, but are elongated…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Comments on the density matrix of the universe in two dimensional quantum cosmology
Finn Larsen (UMichigan)
I discuss work in progress on obtaining a reasonable density matrix of the universe in two dimensional quantum cosmology. I will do so by comparing aspects of the Hilbert space of closed universes in JT gravity…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Far-from-Equilibrium Statistical Physics: Information and Response in Living Matter
Zhiyue Lu (UNC)
Statistical mechanics, first developed for equilibrium systems, stands as one of physics' greatest triumphs. Living systems, however, operate far from equilibrium, processing information and…
CANCELLED: Astrophysics Seminar: FRB science results from CHIME
Kendrick Smith (Perimeter)
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are a recently discovered, poorly understood class of transient event, and understanding their origin has become a central problem in astrophysics. I will present FRB science results…
High Energy Theory Seminar: Tidal Love numbers and Tidal anomalous dimensions
Yue-Zhou Li (Princeton)
In this talk, I will briefly review the worldline effective field theory (EFT) formalism for classical gravitational physics. Using worldline EFT, I will provide a framework for understanding the gravitational…
Condensed, Soft & Living Matter Seminar: Robust prediction of moiré material topology
Valentin Crepel (Flatiron Institute)
Moiré materials have recently been envisioned as condensed-matter quantum simulators [1] due to their highly tunable low-energy properties controlled by chemical composition, stacking configurations, twist…