In the pursuit of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, the CMS experiment has employed unconventional techniques to uncover elusive phenomena. This presentation delves into three pivotal aspects of this effort…
I will describe constructions of lattice field theories that assign a single bosonic variable to each site, rather a conjugate pair x,p. The information to realize a non-trivial dynamics is realized by non-trivial…
Guided by the recent discovery of the faint Milky Way satellite UMa3/UnionsI, in this talk I will present the results of our controlled high-resolution simulations to discuss how ”micro galaxies” could be…
I will introduce the complex Liouville string, a solvable critical worldsheet string theory defined by coupling two Liouville theories with complex conjugate central charges c = 13 ± is. By harnessing the non-…
Galaxies have grown significantly in size since the early Universe. While quiescent galaxies grow primarily through galaxy mergers, star-forming galaxies grow by accreting gas from their surroundings and forming new…