Robert Maddin Lecture in Materials Science: "Finding New Electronic Materials"
Robert J. Cava (Princeton)
“New materials give new properties” is a phrase that I think best describes the goal of our research program. We find new materials by thinking about how the chemistry and structures of materials at the level of the…
Department Colloquium: "Wave Piloting in the Marshall Islands"
Professor John Huth (Harvard) Hosted by: Professor Joe Kroll
Of all the Pacific Island navigation cultures, the practice of wave piloting in the Marshall Islands is perhaps the most curious. Navigators observed the patterns of ocean swells to find their way among atolls and…
High Energy Theory: "TBA"
Matthew Schwartz (Harvard)
"Close Up and Far Away"
A large group of Physicists will host an event called "Close Up and Far Away" where the public will have access to tour Physics and Astronomy Professor Mark Devlin's High Bay, see the clean room at the Singh Center…
Condensed Matter seminar: "Non-linear elasticity and relaxation in polymer networks and soft tissues"
Paul Janmey, University of Pennsylvania
The stiffness of tissues in which cells are embedded has effects on cell structure and function that can act independently of or override chemical stimuli.
Astro Seminar: "The Circumgalactic Medium"
Molly Peeples (STSCI)
The circumgalactic medium (CGM) serves as a fuel supply, waste dump, and recycling center for galaxies' baryons and metals. Our empirical understanding of this vast reservoir of gas surrounding galaxies has been…
Math-Bio seminar: "TBA"
Amaury Lambert, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)
High Energy Theory: "TBA"
Paul S. Aspinwall (Duke)
Condensed Matter seminar: "Engineering spin-cavity interactions with quantum dot molecules"
Patrick Vora, George Mason University
Quantum information based on optical cavities often utilizes atomic Λ-systems consisting of two Zeeman split levels connected by common excited states. However, the exploration of solid-state Λ-systems coupled to…
Astro Seminar: "TBA"
Paul Martini (Ohio State)
The tight correlation between the stellar mass and gas-phase metallicity of galaxies is a valuable diagnostic of galaxy evolution. The physical processes that determine the mass-metallicity relation include the…