High Energy Theory Seminar: "Pulling the Holographic Boundary into the Bulk"
Yasunori Nomura, University of California Berkeley
Special High Energy Theory Seminar: "Primordial black holes as dark matter"
Alex Kusenko, UCLA
I will discuss new and rather generic scenarios for production of black holes in the early universe. In some mass range, such black holes can account for all dark matter. Primordial black holes can also…
Experimental Particle Physics Seminar: "Anomaly of Dancing Reactor Antineutrinos"
Soo-Bong Kim, Seoul National University
The Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation(RENO) started data-taking from August, 2011 and has observed the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos to measure the smallest neutrino mixing angle…
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Learning force fields from stochastic trajectories"
Pierre Ronceray, Princeton University
From nanometer-scale proteins to micron-scale colloidal particles, particles in biological and soft matter systems undergo Brownian dynamics: their deterministic motion due to the forces competes with the random…
Astronomy seminar: "Two instruments to start the new decade: HERA for 21cm cosmology and SPARCS to Monitor M-Dwarf flares affecting exoplanets"
Daniel Jacobs, Arizona State University
Two new kinds of instruments are coming of age at the end of this decade: low frequency radio telescopes and cubesats, both being used to probe questions of our cosmic origin and the nature of exoplanets. The…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "Entanglement in gauge theories and gravity"
Jennifer Lin, IAS, Princeton University
In this talk I'll explain why an analogy between entanglement entropy in an emergent gauge theory and in AdS/CFT suggests that the entropy of a black hole may be related to a natural measure on the gauge group in the…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "Complementarity from Identity"
Sergei Dubovsky, New York University
Department Colloquium: “A New Era of Science at Jefferson Lab”
Robert McKeown, Deputy Director for Science, JLAB
The continuous electron beam accelerator facility at Jefferson Lab, built with advanced superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) technology, provides opportunities to discover fundamental new aspects of the structure of…
High Energy Theory Seminar: "Analytic IR-resummation for the BAO peak"
Matthew Lewandowsky, Institut de Physique Théorique (IPhT)
We develop an analytic method for implementing the IR-resummation of 1404.5954, which allows one to correctly and consistently describe the imprint of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) on statistical…