High Energy Theory seminar: "Swampland distance conjecture and walls of marginal stability"

Markus Dierigl (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

Advances in Biomedical Optics seminar series: "Wearable Bio-Inspired Imaging Systems for Image Guided Surgery"

Viktor Gruev (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
- Dripp Library, 5th floor Dulles Pavilion, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 3400 Spruce Street

Nature has served as an inspiration for novel, efficient and economic designs in architecture, engineering and science in general. In this talk, I will describe a bio-inspired sensory designs…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Title: "Understanding Glass Transition through Interfacial Properties"

Zahra Fakhraai (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

The dramatic slow-down of the dynamics and viscosity of a liquid upon super-cooling without a significant structural signature, has been the topic of intense theoretical debate. Growing local correlations…

Experimental Particle Physics Seminar

Maximillian Swiatlowski (University of Chicago)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Astronomy seminar

Adi Nusser (Technion)
- David Rittehnouse Laboratory, A6

Astronomy seminar: "Probes of non-standard gravity with peculiar motions and galactic satellites"

Adi Nusser (Technion)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A6

Despite the success of the standard LambdaCDM model, it is argued that some modifications may well be motivated on theoretical and observational grounds. The talk will discuss how to…

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: "Exploring physics beyond the standard model of particle physics with neutrinos"

Christopher Mauger (University of Pennsylvania)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

Neutrinos are the most abundant type of fermion that we know exists, yet we do not understand basic properties of these particles like their masses. Since neutrinos are unaffected by strong and…

Dissertation Defense: "Preparing and Measuring Single Spins in Diamond"

David Hopper
- Towne, 337

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Fertilization Regulatory Networks"

Gustavo Martínez-Mekler (Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM)
- Tedori Family Auditorium, Levin Building, 425 S University Ave

Fertilization is one of the fundamental processes of living systems. Here I will address marine external fertilization and comment on recent work on mammals. I will show…