Wei-Shao Wei (university of Pennsylvania)

Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting ID: 949 9650 8184…

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Dynamics of movement in complex environments"

Sarah Olson (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
- See Zoom link below

In this talk, we will highlight two different types of movement in viscosity dominated environments: sperm navigation and centrosome clustering in dividing cells.  Sperm often interact with chemicals and…

High Energy Theory Seminar: Entropy and symmetry in QFT

Javier Magán (University of Pennsylvania)

We describe a novel approach to gauge and generalized symmetries in QFT. It starts with the analysis of fundamental properties (additivity and Haag duality) that appear in the '…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Curious Electrostatics in Concentrated Electrolytes"

Susan Perkin (Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Oxford University)
- See Zoom link below

An electrolyte is a substance containing mobile ions. Electrolytes are within us and surround us at every scale: they mediate molecular processes in all living systems, they fill the phone batteries in our pockets,…

Astronomy Seminar: Cosmology and Astrophysics with Intensity Mapping

Yun-Ting Cheng (Caltech)

Intensity mapping has emerged as a promising tool to probe the high-redshift universe by measuring the aggregate emission without resolving individual sources, complementing the information from…

High Energy Theory Seminar: Soft de Sitter Effective Theory

Daniel Green (University of California, San Diego)

Understanding the quantum evolution of a de Sitter universe on superhorizon scales is notoriously difficult.  To address this challenge, we introduce the Soft de Sitter Effective…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Robotics as an Interface to the Natural World"

M. Ani Hsieh (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania)
- See Zoom link below

Robotics and autonomous systems enable us to interact more richly and extensively with the world we live in. Robots provide in-situ monitoring of the environments they are immersed in and can adapt their strategies…

Mathematical Biology seminar: "From Cell polarity to intracellular networks in single and collective cell motility"

Leah Edelstein-Keshet (University of British Columbia)
- See Zoom link below

Cell migration plays a central role in embryonic development, wound healing and immune surveillance. In 2008, Yoichiro Mori, Alexandra Jilkine and I published a model for the initial step of cell migration, the front…

High Energy Theory Seminar: Chiral matter in 4D Standard Model-like F-theory constructions

Andrew Turner (University of Pennsylvania)

In this talk, I discuss a general class of Standard Model-like constructions in F-theory. I begin by introducing a definition of "generic" matter in supergravity and F-theory, and the associated notion of…

Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: "Actin dynamics regulate spatial mixing of mitochondria in dividing cells"

Erika Holzbaur (Department of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine)
- See Zoom link below

Symmetric cell division requires the even partitioning of genetic information and cytoplasmic contents between daughter cells. While the mechanisms coordinating the replication and segregation of the genome have been…