The Higgs Discovery: How it Happened and What it Means
Prof. Elliot Lipeles
Hosted by UG Physics Club - Pizza an drinks will be proved.
High Energy Theory SPECIAL Seminar
Dieter Lust (MPI for Physics & LMU)
Department Colloqium: "Nanoparticles in liquid crystals, and liquid crystals in nanoparticles"
Juan de Pablo, University of Chicago
Eli Burstein Lecture: Plastic Solar Cells: Coherence & Uncertainty in Nano-Structured Materials
Alan J. Heeger, Nobel Laureate, Chemistry, 2000, University of Califorrnia, Santa Barbara
High Energy Theory Seminar
Francesc Ferrer (Washington University)
Condensed Matter seminar: "Inkjet-Printed Nanoparticle Alignment Layers – Patterned Alignment for Liquid Crystal Devices"
Torsten Hegmann, Kent State University
Liquid crystal (LC) alignment layers commonly feature some type of anisotropy that induces a preferred orientation of the LC director on the surface. Unidirectionally rubbed polyimides are the most widely used…
Astrophysics and Cosmology Seminar
Hy Trac (Carnegie Mellon)
High Energy Theory Seminar: "UV Surprises in Supergravity"
Zvi Bern (UCLA)
Condensed Matter Seminar: "Acoustics in granular materials: from the particle scale to force networks"
Karen Daniels , North Carolina State
Granular materials are inherently heterogeneous, and continuum models of properties such as the shear modulus and sound speed often fail. One promising alternative is to build an understanding of…
High Engergy Theory Semianr
Guilherme L. Pimentel (Princeton)