Condensed Matter seminar: "Microfluidics of sugar transport in plants"
Kaare Jensen (TU of Denmark)
Plants can rightly be called masters of microengineering.
Their survival and successful reproduction depends on their ability to
overcome a series of physical challenges during growth and when
transporting matter over great distances. In this
talk, we focus on the microfluidic network responsible for energy
distribution (the phloem). We combine experiments on living plants and
biomimetic microfluidic devices to elucidate the basic
physical principles that govern sugar transport in plants. We derive
a scaling relation between the characteristic sizes of the plant
organs, which optimizes the rate of sugar transport. Comparison with
experimental data suggests that the pipe network is operating at or near
the theoretical optimum. We further consider the
coupling between photosynthesis and long-distance transport. While sap
with high sugar concentration has the greatest transport potential,
viscosity impedes flow, a phenomena analogous to congestion in traffic
flows. The optimal sugar concentration for transport
in plants is 25%, sweeter than Coke (10%) but much less viscous than
maple syrup (65%). Although plants have generally evolved towards the
theoretical optimum, a number of unusually sweet plants exist. This
group consists primarily of crop plants such as corn
(40%) and potato (50%), sugar junkies of the natural world.