Condensed Matter seminar: "Microfluidics of sugar transport in plants"

Kaare H. Jensen, Technical University of Denmark
- Chemistry Building, Room 102

Plants can rightly be called masters of microengineering. Their survival and successful reproduction depends on their ability to overcome a series of physical challenges during growth and when transporting matter…

Condensed Matter seminar: "Microfluidics of sugar transport in plants"

Kaare Jensen (TU of Denmark)
- Chemistry Building, room 102

Plants can rightly be called masters of microengineering. Their survival and successful reproduction depends on their ability to overcome a series of physical challenges during growth and when transporting…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "TBA"

Eric Perlmutter (Princeton)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

Special Condensed Matter seminar: "Topological gapped and gapless phases protected by nonsymmorphic lattice symmetries"

Chen Fang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- DRL A2

In the first part of the talk, I will show that a nonsymmorphic glide reflection symmetry can protect a new Z2 topological gapped phase in three-dimensions. Unlike topological insulators, this new phase can be…

Astro Seminar: "Overview of Planck Data and (Cosmological and Astrophyical) Results "

Graca Rocha (JPL)
- DRL A6

In this talk I will give an overview of Planck data and Cosmological and Astrophysical results: Temperature and polarization maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation anisotropies, Power Spectra, Likelihoods…

Math-Bio seminar: "Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe"

Iain Mathieson (Harvard University)
- Carolyn Lynch Lab, Room 318

The arrival of farming in Europe around 8,500 years ago necessitated adaptation to new environments, pathogens, diets, and social organizations. While indirect evidence of adaptation can be detected in patterns of…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "Matter Transitions and Heterotic/F-theory duality"

Lara Anderson (Virginia Tech)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

We explore a novel type of transition in certain 6D and 4D Heterotic/F-theory dual pairs, in which the matter content of the theory changes while the gauge group and other parts of the spectrum remain invariant. Such…

Dissertation Defense: "Searching for Dark Matter with Single Phase Liquid Argon"

Thomas Caldwell (UPenn)

Women in Physics Public Lecture Pt. 2: "Discovery and Diversity on the Frontier of Physics: My Fifty Year Journey in Carbon Science"

Mildred Dresselhaus (MIT)
Houston Hall, Hall of Flags (G-26)

Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus, Institute Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering at MIT, will give the inaugural public lecture of our Women in Physics group. A leader in promoting women in science as well…

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Physical Aspects of Spindle Assembly"

Dan Needleman (Harvard)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

The spindle is a complex assembly of microtubules, motors, and other associated proteins, which segregates chromosomes during cell division. In metaphase, the spindle exists in a steady-state with a constant flux of…