Astro Seminar: "Moving Mesh Astrophysics"

Paul Duffel (UC Berkeley)
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Novel methods in recent years have been developed for numerically solving the hydrodynamical and MHD equations relevant to all kinds of astrophysical flows.  I will first (briefly) present one such computational…

High Energy Theory Seminar: "Some New Mechanisms for Baryogenesis"

Jeremy Sakstein (U of Penn)
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

There is more matter than antimatter in the universe, and the origin of this asymmetry is still a mystery. The asymmetry can be generated dynamically in the early universe in a process referred to as baryogenesis but…

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Enhanced optical and magnetic microscopy by orientation-dependent modulation of single-molecule and nitrogen-vacancy-center emission"

Mikael Backlund (Harvard University)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Selection rules impose geometrical constraints on the interactions of light and matter. In
particular, an emitter with a well-defined orientation will emit photons of a characteristic
polarization and…

Astro Seminar:"Probing Galaxy Formation with Modern Cosmological Simulations"

Paul Torrey (MIT)
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Cosmological simulations are among the most powerful tools available to probe the non-linear regime of cosmic structure formation.  They also provide a clear test-bed for understanding the impact that hydrodynamics…

Astro Seminar: "Turbulent Beginnings: A Predictive Theory of Star Formation in the Interstellar Medium"

Blakesley Burkhart (CfA)
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A2

Our current view of the interstellar medium (ISM) is as a multiphase environment where magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence affects many key processes. These include star formation, cosmic ray acceleration, and the…

Department Colloquium: "Discovering the Highest Energy Neutrinos Using a Radio Phased Array"

Abigail Vieregg (University of Chicago) hosted by: Mark Devlin
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A8

Ultra-high energy neutrino astronomy sits at the boundary between particle physics and astrophysics. The detection of high energy neutrinos is an important step toward understanding the most energetic cosmic…

Dissertation Defense: "Two-point Statistics for Testing Models of Cosmic Structure"

Yuedong Fang (U of Penn)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 4N9

Condensed Matter Seminar: "Controlling Strong Light Matter Coupling with Photonic Crystals"

Hui Deng (University of Michigan)
- David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Microcavity exciton-polaritons provide a unique photonic platform that manifests non-equilibrium quantum orders. It combines strong nonlinearity and rich many-body physics of matter with robust coherence and ready…

Astro Seminar: "The Milky Way's Dust in Three Dimensions"

Edward Schlafly (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
David Rittenhouse Laboratory, A4

Most observations of the Milky Way's gas and dust are limited to two dimensions; their angular distribution is precisely measured, but their distribution in distance is much more uncertain.  Large surveys of stars…