Thesis Defense: “Low-dimensional material device for atomic defect engineering, ionic and molecular transport"

Priyanka Jothi Thiruraman (University of Pennsylvania)
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High Energy Theory Seminar: Illuminating the Early Universe with Dark Matter Minihalos

Adrienne Erickcek (UNC)

As remnants of the earliest stages of structure formation, the smallest dark matter halos provide a unique probe of the evolution of the Universe prior to the onset of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN…

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium: "Non-thermal pathways to quantum matter "

Martin Claassen (University of Pennsylvania)
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Quantum materials host a wide range of phenomena that challenge our physical understanding while offering intriguing possibilities for next-generation technologies. A promising direction towards…

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Spinning helices, heaving panels, and waving tails: the role of flexibility in propulsion"

Lisa Fauci (Tulane University)
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The observed gait of a swimmer arises from the interplay of internal force generation, the passive elastic properties of its body, and environmental features such as fluid viscosity, boundaries, and…

High Energy Theory Seminar: Entanglement entropies of equilibrated pure states and the origin of replica wormholes

Shreya Vardhan (MIT)

I will explain an approximation method that gives a simple universal expression for the Renyi entropies of an equilibrated pure state in a chaotic quantum many-body system. This expression is…

Astronomy Seminar: Speculating on the origin and future of FRBs

Liam Connor (Caltech)

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are short-duration transients whose precise origins remain a mystery. A subset of FRBs is known to repeat; a subset of those appears to repeat in periodic activity windows.…

Mathematical Biology seminar: "Some PDEs in Evolution of Dispersal"

Adrian Lam (Ohio State University)
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In the first part of the talk, we discuss the multi-species competition in a spatial domain, particularly the result of A. Hastings and some recent progress on the conjecture by Dockery…

High Energy Theory Seminar: Positivity with Gravity

Claudia de Rahm (Imperial College London)

In standard effective field theories, the notion of causality is intrinsically linked with that of subluminality and with a set of positivity constraints to be imposed on the low-energy scattering…

Mathematical Biology seminar: “Contracting ML and probabilistic methods for navigating time and space in genomics”

Richard Bonneau (Flatiron Institute)
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I will describe new methods for spatial transcriptomics and spacial genomics and contrast these methods with previous single cell and longitudinal genomics analysis approaches. I will focus first on…

High Energy Theory Seminar: From SU(N) Seiberg-Witten Theory to Adjoint QCD

Emily Nardoni (UCLA)

Standard lore suggests that four-dimensional SU(N) gauge theory with 2 massless adjoint Weyl fermions ("adjoint QCD") flows to a phase with confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. In this talk, I will…