Math-Bio seminar: "Controlling the rate of false discoveries in tandem mass spectrum identifications"
Uri Keich, University of Sydney
A typical shotgun proteomics experiment produces thousands of tandem
mass spectra, each of which can be tentatively assigned a corresponding
peptide by using a database search procedure that looks for a
peptide-spectrum match (PSM) that optimizes the score assigned to a
matched pair. Some of the resulting PSMs will be correct while others
will be false, and we have no way to verify which is which. The
statistical problem we face is of controlling the false discovery rate
(FDR), or the expected proportion of false PSMs among all reported
pairings. While there is a rich statistical literature on controlling
the FDR in the multiple hypothesis testing context, controlling the FDR
in the PSM context is mostly done through the "home grown" method called
target-decoy competition (TDC).
After a brief introduction to the problem of
tandem mass spectrum identification we will explore the reasons why the
mass spec community has been using this non-standard approach to
controlling the FDR. We will then discuss how calibration can increase
the number of correct discoveries and offer an alternative method for
controlling the FDR in the presence of calibrated scores. We will
conclude by arguing that our analysis extends to a more general setup
than the mass spectrum identification problem.
Joint work with Bill Noble (University of Washington)