
High Energy Theory Seminar: "Discrete Superconformal Matter"

Paul Oehlmann (Virginia Tech)
| David Rittenhouse Laboratory, 2N36

We construct a novel type of (2,0) discrete charged superconformal matter coupled to 6d supergravity using F-theory. For this, we consider smooth genus-one fibered and compact Calabi-Yau threefolds quotiented by a freely acting automorphism. The resulting geometries exhibit orbifold singularities in the base with so-called multiple fibers over them which is where the (2,0) discrete charged matter resides. We show this presence to be necessary for anomaly cancellation which we proof in generality. Moreover, we show, that the multiple fiber gauges the (2,0) subsector by a discrete gauge symmetry. The discrete gauging shows itself by the presence of additional discrete charged hypermultiplets at the tensor branch of the (2,0) theories.