High Energy seminar: "Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking in Dimer Models"
Shani Meynet (Uppsala University)
In this talk I will review some recent work in which a model of D-branes at Calabi-Yau singularities where supersymmetry is broken dynamically into stable vacua has been proposed. This model is realized using orientifolded toric geometries.
After reviewing some background material, I will present the techniques and general results used to engineer the desired brane configuration using toric Calabi Yau and orientifolds. I will also show how such a configuration is stable under all known decay mechanisms. In the end, I will comment on the possibility of having a weakly coupled gravity dual and the fate of the model with differing numbers of fractional branes.
Based on 1909.04682, 2005.09671, 2007.13762, 2009.11291, 2207.00525.