A ‘vibrant nexus’ for research and discovery in the physical sciences
With the construction of a new Physical Sciences Building and updates to the David Rittenhouse Laboratory, Penn will create a modernized physical sciences quadrant that integrates state-of-the-art research in physics, mathematics, chemistry, and engineering.
Congratulations to Bo Zhen and his team for their new DARPA contract to work on their “next generation of night vision eye glasses”!
Leveraging new tech, DARPA aims for night-vision goggles the size and weight of regular eyeglasses.
The Large Hadron Collider and the End of the World
In this episode, Evelyn Thomson looks back at the concerns that swirled around the launch of high-energy particle collision experiments like the Large Hadron Collider.

Rebecca Kamen exhibits work at UNESCO's "Creative Resilience" exhibition in Paris
Rebecca Kamen, Visiting Scholar and University of Pennsylvania Artist in Residence, was selected to exhibit her work at the Creative Resilience: Art by Women in Science exhibition sponsored by UNESCO at their headquarters in Paris. On the impact of the exhibition, Kamen said "the artwork in the Creative Resilience exhibition has been inspired by the Coronavirus and created by women in science from 31 countries.
A new model for how the brain perceives unique odors
Using statistical physics and insights from biology, this research can help inform new hypotheses and experiments towards understanding the olfactory system, a complex and crucial pathway of the brain.
Bo Zhen announced as a winner of 2021 ICO prize
Bo Zhen, Assistant Professor, was announced as the 2021 winner of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) Prize. Prof. Zhen was selected for his "pioneering research on optical bound states in the continuum, exceptional points, and other topological states in photonics".
How a former Penn soccer player helped prep a NASA telescope for its long-awaited launch
Former Physics & Astronomy undergrad, Mike McElwain, is helping to lead a big project at NASA.

Physics Professor Andrea Liu moderating panel discussion on Chinese American contributions to the fabric of America
A special upcoming presentation and panel discussion for all members of the Penn community will be held virtually on October 19 at 4pm, featuring three members of the Penn faculty and the Committee of 100, a non-profit, non-partisan, leadership organization comprised of Chinese American leaders in business, government, academia, and the arts. For over 30 years, Committee of 100 has served as a leading organization committed to the dual missions of promoting the full participatio
Penn cosmology team ready to field the largest ever cosmic microwave background camera
A new study details the inner workings of the Large Aperture Telescope Receiver, the cryogenic camera that will be installed at the Simons Observatory at 17,000 feet in northern Chile.