
Bo Zhen's research in "Fixing leaky optical pipes with topological glue"

Combining theoretical insights with experimental results, physicists demonstrate a new design for optoelectronic devices that could help make optical fiber communications more energy efficient.

Congratulations to our May degree PhD candidates who successfully defended their dissertation! (see list)

Ashley Baker, Anthony Chieco, Rachael Creager, Paul Masih Das, Tatyana Gavrilchenko, Christopher Lynn, Charlotte Pfeifer, and Tae-Hyeon Shin


Vijay Balasubramanian examines the optimal immune repertoire for bacteria

Researchers develop a physical model that describes the optimal amount of ‘memory’ of prior infections that bacteria should have in order to efficiently mount a successful immune response.

Student award winners: Thomas H. Wood Prize – Awarded to Ethan Abraham and Sarah Kane

Thomas H. Wood Prize – Awarded to Ethan Abraham and Sarah Kane

 Awarded annually to the undergraduate student in introductory physics who has demonstrated, during the course of their undergrad coursework, the greatest proficiency in assimilating the concepts of physics, based on overall performance in all aspects of the undergrad program as judged by members of the physics faculty.

Student award winners: William E. Stephens Prize – Awarded to Brooke Digia and Abigail Poteshman

William E. Stephens Prize – Awarded to Brooke Digia and Abigail Poteshman

Student award winners: Arnold M. Denenstein Prize – Awarded to David Rivera and Ningfeng Zhu

Arnold M. Denenstein Prize – Awarded to David Rivera and Ningfeng Zhu

Provided from an endowment established by the family, friends, and colleagues of Arnold M. Denenstein to honor his memory and his contributions to science. Awarded annually to a graduate student, judged by the Physics and Astronomy Department, who shows the most promise of becoming and outstanding experimental physicist.

Graduate student Amanda Bacon awarded a 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Amanda is a first-year graduate student who came to Penn from Bennington College. As an undegraduate she worked on the MiniCLEAN dark matter experiment at SNOLAB and in solar astrophysics at Harvard. She is now working with the neutrino group.

Physics majors Srinivas Mandyam and Adithya Sriram awarded 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Congratulations to Physics majors Srinivas Mandyam and Adithya Sriram for being awarded the 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!  Srinivas is a Vagelos MLS Scholar who will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Physics, Mathematics, and Biophysics, along with a master’s degree in Physics.  He is also the recipient of the Churchill Scholarship and Goldwater Scholarship.  Adithya is a VIPER Scholar who will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Physics, Biophysics, and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and also with a master’s in P