
Liang Wu awarded grant under Defense University Research Instrumentation Program

Liang Wu, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, was announced as one of 150 researchers awarded grants totaling $50 million from the Department of Defense under the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. This grant will allow the acquisition of a Scanning Magneto-Optical Microscope for Topological Materials for Prof. Wu's lab allowing further cutting edge research studying light-matter interaction in topological materials.

Nadar Engheta selected for 2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize

Congratulations to our colleague Prof. Nader Engheta (SEAS, secondary appointment in Physics and Astronomy), who has been selected to receive the 2020 Isaac Newton Medal and Prize from the Institute of Physics (UK).


Liang Wu’s research on the relationship between topology and linear optics is featured in Penn Today

“The discovery of fourfold topological quasiparticles in this metallic alloy could be used to engineer topological materials with unique and controllable properties in the future.”



5:00-6:00 pm

Congratulations to Prof. Eleni Katifori, who has been awarded the 2021 APS Early Career Award for Soft Matter Research!

This prestigious award was given For the seminal use of physical principles in understanding living transport networks.” 

You can read a little more about it here: 

We are accepting applications!

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania will be accepting applications for the PhD program during the 2020-21 admissions cycle, despite any disruptions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to receiving applications this Fall.

Werner Teutsch Memorial Prize Winners

Established by the friends of Werner Teutsch, to memorialize his exuberant creativity during a tragically short career. Awarded annually to the graduate student(s) who, by his or her performance in the first year courses, shows the most promise for outstanding achievement in research.

2020 winners:

Pooi Seong (Eric) Chong

September 21-25 is Climate Week at Penn!

The long list of events is listed here: 

The EES department will be hosting 2 separate events next week:

Statement on the passing of Ward Plummer

The Department is sad to report the passing of Ward Plummer, former faculty member in our department.