Spatial organization in living systems is crucial for their functioning and is typically achieved in complex environments—from molecular processes in the crowded cytoplasm to microbial collectives growing in…
Collective behaviors are processes in which large-scale patterns arise from fundamentally local interactions among individuals; in biological systems, these can be organisms, cells, or molecules. A critical open…
Place a drop of water on an icy surface—it crystallizes at the point of contact, and a slow ice front steadily grows upwards. Place a bubble instead, and a burst of ice crystals erupts across its interface, far from…
Strange metal behavior has been observed in materials ranging from high-temperature superconductors to heavy fermion metals. In conventional metals, current is carried by quasiparticles; although it has been…
The soil dwelling bacteriumMyxococcus xanthusis an amazing organism that uses collective motility to hunt in giant packs when near prey and to form beautiful and…