Robyn Sanderson's research on a "new stellar stream, born outside the Milky Way, discovered with machine learning"
Finding this new collection of stars, named after Nyx, the Greek goddess of night, was made possible using machine learning tools and simulations of data collected by the Gaia space observatory.
Also, see coverage on CNN:
Bhuvnesh Jain is organizing the “Summer 2020 data science hangout,” for Arts and Sciences undergraduate researchers
The summer 2020 hangout is intended for undergraduate students whose summer research involves quantitative analysis of datasets, including variants of machine learning.
Special Statement Regarding Graduate Admissions in 2020
Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, in our graduate admissions process this year:
1) Students who have taken courses in Spring 2020 Pass/Fail rather than for a letter grade will not be penalized in any way.
2) GRE scores will *not* be required this year, and their absence will not be used to count against any applicant.
Welcome new Assistant Professors, Arnold Mathijssen and Martin Claassen!
The department is pleased to announce the hiring of two new assistant professors in Condensed Matter Physics. Arnold Mathijssen ( is an experimentalist working in the general area of soft and living matter, currently as a postdoc at Stanford. His particular research interests are in the collective functionality of intelligent active matter, bridging multi-scale biology with the physics of solids, fluids and information. Martin Claassen (
Arjun Yodh: Using stress to shape microlevel structures
A new study describes how external forces drive the rearrangement of individual particles in disordered solids, enabling new ways to imbue materials with unique mechanical properties.
Lisa Tran Wins Glenn H. Brown Prize of the International Liquid Crystal Society
It is my great pleasure to announce the recipients of ILCS Honors & Awards 2020.
This year, we have received nomination of some 40 candidates. I would like to congratulate the winners for their research achievements and continued contributions to the liquid crystal community in future.
Prof. Nader Engheta to receive the 2020 Max Born Award
Congratulations to our colleague, Prof. Nader Engheta (SEAS, secondary appointment in Physics and Astronomy), who has been selected to receive the 2020 Max Born Award from the Optical Society (OSA)! This is a wonderful and well-deserved honor for Nader, and through our association with him, for our department.
Bo Zhen's research in "Fixing leaky optical pipes with topological glue"
Combining theoretical insights with experimental results, physicists demonstrate a new design for optoelectronic devices that could help make optical fiber communications more energy efficient.