Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania (2024 - )
Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania (2018-2024)
- Elliman Faculty Fellow, Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology, University of Pennsylvania (2018-)
- Postdoctoral Associate, jointly between MIT and Technion (2014-2017)
- Ph.D. Physics, MIT (2014)
- B.S. Mathematics & Physics, Tsinghua University (2008)
Honors & Awards:
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (2024)
- International Commission for Optics Prize (2021)
- Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award (2021)
- Sloan Research Fellowship (2021)
- Advancing Bioimaging Scialog Fellow (2021)
- Army Research Office YIP (2019)
- Kaufman New Investigator Grant (2018)
- Air Force Young Investigator Award (2018)
- MIT, Presidential Fellowship (2008)
- Tsinghua University, National Scholarships (2005 – 2007)
My research focuses on using tools in experimental nano-photonics to attack problems in condensed matter physics and quantum electrodynamics, with an eye on their practical applications. A few current interests of mine include topological photonics, non-Hermitian physics, polaritonics, and photonic integrated circuits.
Phys 151: Principles of physics II
Phys 361 & 362: Intermediate electromagnetism
Phys 518: Introduction to condensed matter physics
"Observation of Floquet Chern insulators of light", J. Jin, L. He, J. Lu, C. Shang, J.E. Bowers, E.J. Mele, B. Zhen, arXiv:2304.09385
"Control over cavity exciton polaritons in monolayer semiconductors", Z. Wang, L. He, B. Kim, B. Zhen, arXiv:2311.03750
"Three-dimensional nonlinear optical materials from twisted two-dimensional van der Waals interfaces", B. Kim, J. Jin, Z. Wang, L. He, T. Christensen, E.J. Mele, B. Zhen, Nature Photonics 18, 91-98 (2024)
"Geometric similarities and topological phases in surface magnon polaritons", C. Qian, J. Jin, T. Christensen, L. He, A. Sigillito, E.J. Mele, B. Zhen, PRL 132, 013601 (2024)
"Polaritonic Chern insulators in monolayer semiconductors", L. He, J. Wu, J. Jin, E.J. Mele, B. Zhen, PRL 130, 043801 (2023)
"Floquet quadrupole photonic crystals protected by space-time symmetry", J. Jin, L. He, J. Lu, E. Mele, B. Zhen, PRL 129, 063902 (2022).
"Floquet topological phases in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals", J. Lu, L. He, Z. Addison, E. Mele, B. Zhen, PRL 126, 113901 (2021).
"Observation of topologically enabled unidirectional guided resonances", X. Yin, J. Jin, M. Soljacic, C. Peng, B. Zhen, Nature 580, 467 (2020).
"Quadrupole topological photonic crystals", L. He, Z. Addison, E. Mele, B. Zhen, Nature Communications 11, 3119 (2020).
“Topologically enabled ultra-high-Q guided resonances robust to out-of-plane scattering“, J. Jin, X. Yin, L. Ni, M. Soljacic, B. Zhen, C. Peng, Nature 574, 501-504 (2019).
“Floquet Chern insulators of light“, L. He, Z. Addison, J. Jin, E. Mele, S. Johnson, B. Zhen, Nature Communications 10, 4194 (2019).
“Synthesis and observation of non-Abelian gauge fields in real space“, Y. Yang, C. Peng, D. Zhu, H. Buljan, J.D. Joannopoulos, B. Zhen, M. Soljacic, Science 365, 6457, 1021-1025 (2019).
- "Exceptional surfaces in PT-symmetric non-Hermitian systems" H. Zhou, J. Lee, S. Liu, and B. Zhen, Optica 6, 2, 190 (2019).
- "Observation of bulk Fermi arc and polarization half charge from paired exceptional points" H. Zhou, C. Peng, Y. Yoon, C. W. Hsu, K. A. Nelson, L. Fu, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and B. Zhen, Science 359, 1009 (2018).
- “Direct imaging of isofrequency contours in photonic structures” E. C. Regan*, Y. Igarashi*, B. Zhen*, I. Kaminer, C. W. Hsu, Y. Shen, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Science Advances, 2, 1601591 (2016).
- “Bound states in the continuum” C.W. Hsu*, B. Zhen*, A.D. Stone, J.D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Nature Review Material, 1, 16048 (2016).
- “Spawning Rings of Exceptional Points out of Dirac Cones”, B. Zhen*, C.W. Hsu*, Y. Igarashi*, L. Ling, I. Kaminer, A. Pick, S.-L. Chua, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Nature, 525, 354, (2015).
- “Topological nature of optical bound states in the continuum” B. Zhen*, C. W. Hsu*, L. Ling, A. D. Stone, and M. Soljačić, Physical Review Letters 113, 257401 (2014).
- “Observation of Trapped Light within the Radiation Continuum” C. W. Hsu*, B. Zhen*, J. Lee, S.-L. Chua, S. G. Johnson, J. D. Joannopoulos, and M. Soljačić, Nature 499 (7457), 188-191 (2013)
- “Observation and Differentiation of Unique High-Q Optical Resonances Near Zero Wave Vector in Macroscopic Photonic Crystal Slabs.” J. Lee*, B. Zhen*, S.-L. Chua*, W. Qiu, J. D. Joannopoulos, M. Soljačić, and O. Shapira, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109(6), 067401 (2012)
* denotes equal contribution