Condensed and Living Matter Seminar: Living systems in crowded spaces: from microbial communities to biomolecular condensates
Alejandro Martinez-Calvo (Princeton)
Spatial organization in living systems is crucial for their functioning and is typically achieved in complex environments––from molecular processes in the crowded cytoplasm to microbial collectives growing in structured habitats. In the first part of my talk, I will discuss how bacterial colonies acquire their shape in 3D complex environments. While laboratory studies of single species in well-mixed cultures or flat colonies have provided valuable insights into bacterial cellular processes, they fail to capture the spatial arrangements found in natural settings, such as soils and hosts. By integrating experiments with biophysical modeling, I will show how colonies growing in 3D transparent granular environments develop architectures––driven by differential access to nutrients––that fundamentally differ from their flat-culture counterparts.
In the second part of my talk, I will briefly shift focus to biomolecular phase separation into condensates––an emerging mechanism for intracellular organization. Although condensate size is often crucial for biological function, the mechanisms governing size regulation and self-organization remain elusive. Using the algal pyrenoid as an experimental model, I will highlight general biophysical principles that control condensate size and their implications for cellular function.
Taken together, these findings reveal new principles for predicting and controlling the organization of living systems in complex, crowded environments.