
Experimental Particle Physics: Expanding Horizons: Novel Strategies in low mass BSM Physics Exploration with CMS

Abhijith Gandrakota (Fermilab)
- | David Rittenhouse Labs, 3W2

In the pursuit of Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, the CMS experiment has employed unconventional techniques to uncover elusive phenomena. This presentation delves into three pivotal aspects of this effort during LHC Run-2 and the forthcoming Run-3 phases. Firstly, through the innovative use of Data Scouting in the search for low mass multijet resonances. Through this approach, we not only maximize sensitivity but also push the boundaries of traditional analysis methods. Next, we introduce Gaussian Processes as a powerful tool in BSM searches, with a significant ease of use and enhancing our ability to discern subtle signals amidst background processes. Finally, we turn our gaze towards the future. As we approach LHC Run-3, a critical facet of our strategy involves the revamping of the Level-1 trigger system. By incorporating anomaly detection techniques, we aim to elevate sensitivity to low mass resonances, unlocking new realms of discovery. This multifaceted approach, weaving together Data Scouting, Gaussian Processes, and L1 trigger innovation, showcases the CMS experiment's commitment to pushing boundaries and charting a course towards groundbreaking discoveries in BSM physics.